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Baltic Assembly Literature Prize awarded to Leelo Tungal

This year’s Baltic Assembly Literature Prize was awarded to the beloved Estonian children’s author Leelo Tungal for her autobiographical trilogy Comrade Kid and the Grown-Ups (Seltsimees Laps). The prize is awarded to an outstanding work of literature written in the Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian language and published within the last three years. The expert jury particularly emphasised the third part of the trilogy A Touch of the Woman’s Hand: Comrade Kid and Dad that recalls growing up in the Soviet Union. 

The jury included experts of science, art, and literature from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania: Inga Žolude, Orests Silabriedis, Gunita Zariņa, Triin Soone, Piret Tibbo-Hudgins, Marika Mänd, Vytautas Martinkus, Ramute Rachlevičiūte and Valdemaras Razumas. The prize is presented at an award ceremony on November 28th, 2019 in Riga.

Baltic Assembly Art Prize was awarded to the Latvian conductor Normunds Šnē Lätist and Baltic Assembly Science Prize was awarded to the professor Jūras Banys from Lithuania.

The Baltic Assembly has been awarding outstanding works in literature, art, and science since 1994 to support their development in the Baltic States. The prize is strengthening the cooperation of the Baltic countries through providing an opportunity to learn about each other’s achievements, affirming the common interest in preserving the national identity of the states in the region, and supporting outstanding achievements in art, literature, and science.

Photograph: Dimitri Kotjuh

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