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Avaleht > News > Piret Raud Participates in Festivaletteratura in Italy

Piret Raud Participates in Festivaletteratura in Italy

From 6th September until 8th September 2018 Piret Raud participates in Festivaletteratura festival in Italy. Raud introduces her books that have been published in Italian to young readers. The events are moderated by Vera Salton and Andrea Valente.

Piret Raud (1971) is the most successful contemporary Estonian children’s writer and illustrator. She has written 18 titles, has been translated into 12 different languages, and has illustrated more than 40 titles. Four of her books have been published in Italian so far: Emma Loves Pink (Sinnos, 2014), Princess Lulu and Mr. Bones (Sinnos, 2015), The Story of Sander, Muri, Eensy Mum, and the Invisible Aksel (Sinnos, 2018), and Trööömmmpffff o la voce di Eli (Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, 2018).

Festivaletteratura is a literary festival, held in Mantua, Italy, since 1997. During five days it hosts authors from all over the world.

See also:
Festivaletteratura-Piret Raud
Festivaletteratura 2018 – Intervista a Piret Raud

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