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Avaleht > News > The Exhibition “It’s Always Tea-time“ in Wrocław, Poland

The Exhibition “It’s Always Tea-time“ in Wrocław, Poland

international-exhibition-its-always-tea-time“It’s Always Tea-Time”, which was shown in The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdansk, Poland from May until June 2016, has travelled on to the Wrocław Puppet Theatre. It will be opened to the public on the 4th September.

The exhibition “It’s Always Tea-Time” is inspired by Lewis Carroll’s book Alice in Wonderland, which celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2015. Seventy-two artists from 19 countries participate.

The exhibition will be shown in Wrocław until the 25th September. From there it continues its tour around Europe, moving on to Germany, Hungary, Russia and Italy.

Additional information: Viive Noor, Curator of the Exhibition, The Estonian Children`s Literature Centre, (+372) 55 579 930, viivenoor@gmail.com

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