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Spring Exhibitions in the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre

Noor-kevadnaitus-2016-cutIn March 2016, new exhibitions were opened in the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre. In the Illustration Gallery, visitors can see the spring exhibition of Estonian authors. The Staircase Gallery presents an exhibition by Eve Mahhov and Lembe Keskpaik.

It is the third spring exhibition of Estonian artists since 2008. This year, mainly illustrations from books that have been published recently (or will be published soon) are presented. There are also a few works that have been made specially for the exhibition. In the exhibition, 25 artists participate with 71 works: Regina Lukk-Toompere, Jüri Mildeberg, Piret Mildeberg, Viive Noor, Catherine Zarip, Anne Linnamägi, Katrin Ehrlich, Priit Rea, Kadi Kurema, Priit Pärn, Olga Pärn, Anne Pikkov, Ulla Saar, Kertu Sillaste, Gerda Märtens, Kadri Ilves, Maarja Vannas, Ülle Meister, Kristina Reineller, Tiia Mets, Vera Staniševskaja, Sveta Aleksejeva, Olivia Lipartia, Giulia Landonio and Maiu Mooses.

Eve Mahhov and Lembe Keskpaik have graduated from the department of fine arts in the Estonian Academy of Arts. Among other exhibitions, they have participated in the Tallinn Illustrations Triennal in 2013 and in the Exhibition of Estonian illustrations in Russia in 2016.

The spring exhibition of Estonian artists is open until the 30th April , the exhibition by Eve Mahhov and Lembe Keskpaik until the 26th March.

Additional information:
Viive Noor, Art Curator of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre, viivenoor@gmail.com, (+372) 5557 9930

Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskus