Hüppa põhisisu juurde

Kertu Sillaste Won The Raisin of the Year Award

rsz_kertusillaste1-206x300On the 4th December 2015, the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre announced the winner of The Raisin of The Year for the most extraordinary children`s book of 2015. The jury, which consists of Estonian Children’s Literature Centre’s employees, chose Kertu Sillaste’s book Ei ole nii! (“It’s not like that!“, Päike ja Pilv, 2015).

„Ei ole nii!“ is a story about a little rabbit who overcomes its fears and becomes braver and braver. By the time winter turns into summer, it has already learned great words of wisdom: “Rabbits always make it!” The jury appreciated the wonderful illustrations of Sillaste’s book as well as the simple, but to-the-point writing. The author received one kilo of raisins in addition to a monetary money.

The Raisin of the Year Award has been given out every year since 2004. It is meant to give recognition for a children’s book that has been published in the previous year and stands out as a whole, or is extraordinary because of its text or illustrations.

Further information:
Triin Soone, Director of the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre, triin@elk.ee, (+372) 617 7230