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Winners of the Competition Põlvepikuraamat

polvepiku-logo-2On the 11th November 2015 winners of the The Knee-High Book Competition (Põlvepikuraamatu konkurss) were announced. During the awarding ceremony in the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre, the jury decided to announce three winners and three special prizes.

Winning Works: Helle Kirss and Piret Bergmann for the manuscript Tähtsad täpid, Kertu Sillaste for the manuscript Astrid ja Ott, Piret Mildeberg for the manuscript Notsu ja nälg.

Special Prizes: Regina Lukk-Toompere for the illustrations of the manuscript Kasside salajane pagaritöökoda seina sees Tallinnas, Kadri Kiho and Katre Eesmaa for the manuscript Kevadet otsimas, and Kristi Kangilaski for the illustrations of the manuscript Sa oled alati hoitud.

The organisers of the competition that has been held since 2006 are the publishing house Päike ja Pilv, the Estonian Children`s Literature Centre and the Ministry of Culture. The aim of the competition is to enrich reading material for small children with new Estonian picture books that guarantee quality. The winning works are published by Päike ja Pilv.

More information: Katrin Reinmaa, Publishing house Päike ja Pilv, (+372) 51 310 05, katrin.reinmaa@paikejapilv.ee
Jaanika Palm, Estonian Children`s Literature Centre, (+372) 53 436 586, jaanika@elk.ee

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