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Maia Melts

Maia Melts (1976) graduated from the Tallinn Pedagogical College in English philology and from the Estonian School of Diplomacy in international relations. In addition to translating children’s books, she has worked as a translator for the Russian-language edition of the Estonian children’s magazine Täheke since 2013.

It’s amazing how childhood memories draw the Russian audience to Estonia’s stand at book fairs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Many visitors tell me they still love Eno Raud’s Raggie and Three Jolly Fellows to this day. By translating the best contemporary Estonian children’s literature into Russian, I’m working to ensure their love for Estonian children’s books is enduring.

Паула : продолжение

Illustrator: Piret Raud
Translator: Maia Melts
2013, 246 pp
ISBN: 9789949933464
fiction, storybook

Чёртова дюжина историй про Домовёнка

Heli Illipe

Illustrator: Kristina Reineller
Translator: Maia Melts
2014, 76 pp
ISBN: 9789985553022
fiction, storybook


Heli Illipe

Illustrator: Marja-Liisa Plats
Translator: Maia Melts
2014, 74 pp
ISBN: 9789985552971
fiction, storybook

Привет, Волли!

Illustrator: Kirke Kangro
Translator: Maia Melts
2012, 128 pp
ISBN: 9789949933426
fiction, storybook

Каспер и пять умных кошек

Original title: Casper and Five Wise Cats
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Jevgenia Beljakova
Translator: Maia Melts
KPD Kirjastus
2010, 72 pp
ISBN: 9985899748
fiction, storybook

Истории про Петру

Original title: The Stories of Petra
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Kristiina Kass
Translator: Maia Melts
KPD Kirjastus
2011, 96 pp
ISBN: 9789985899809
fiction, storybook

Эрнесто и его кролики

Original title: Ernesto’s Rabbits
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Piret Raud
Translator: Maia Melts
2012, 176 pp
ISBN: 9789949913091
fiction, storybook

Чудные истории

Original title: Slightly Silly Stories
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Piret Raud
Translator: Maia Melts (Майя Мельц)
2014, 92 pp
ISBN: 9789949952816
fiction, storybook

Даниил Второй

Original title: Daniel the Second
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Anu Kalm
Translator: Maia Melts
2017, 112 pp
ISBN: 9789949995509
fiction, storybook

Криминалисты из третьего «А»

Language: Russian
Illustrator: Hillar Mets
Translator: Maia Melts etc...
2017, 96 pp
ISBN: 9789949974740
fiction, storybook

Волшебная подушка Самуэля

Original title: Samuel’s Magic Pillow
Language: Russian
Illustrator: Kristiina Kass
Translator: Maia Melts
2021, 154 pp
ISBN: 9789916964811
fiction, storybook

Сам умею я кататься (English title)

Illustrator: Tuulike Kivestu-Rotella
Translator: Maia Melts
2022, 192 pp
ISBN: 9789916973752
fiction, storybook