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The Summer Trackers. The Secret of the Old Camp

Hugo Vaher

  • Illustrator: Joonas Sildre
  • Language: Estonian
  • Tänapäev
  • 2020, 144 pp
  • ISBN: 9789949857807
  • fiction, storybook
  • Age: 10+
Cousins Marcus and Martin are once again spending their summer holiday at the family cabin. But unlike in previous years, there’s not much going on this time. They’ve gone swimming, played football, and added a second storey to the treehouse, naturally, but nothing as riveting as the events of previous summers comes up. Yet when the boys discover a point of light moving strangely across the sky above the old Pioneer camp in a video they make while stargazing, finding out the cause becomes item number one on their agenda.

The Secret of the Old Camp is the third book in Vaher’s young-adult series about two boys who summer together in Northern Estonia.