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The Forgetful Fairy's Birthday Party

Hilli Rand

  • Illustrator: Viive Noor
  • Language: Estonian
  • Päike ja Pilv
  • 2019, 40 pp
  • ISBN: 9789949737611
  • fiction, picturebook
  • Age: 6+
Living in a thick book of fairy tales is a little flower fairy named Lisabella. One day, she decides to throw herself a birthday party and quickly whips up some invitations. Her friend the carrier pigeon snatches them up in its beak and delivers them to friends in nearby books. As the flower fairy is very forgetful, it turns out she’s forgotten to sign her name on the cards! Luckily, the pigeon is able to say who sent them. When evening rolls around, Fairy Valley is filled with her guests: Puss in Boots, the Little Mermaid, Snow White, Tom Thumb, Cinderella, a prince on a white stallion – it seems like everyone is there. Or is someone still missing?


Translated by Adam Cullen
2019 5 Best-Designed Estonian Children’s Books