- Illustrator: Kristi Kangilaski
- Language: Estonian
- Päike ja Pilv
- 2021, 32 pp
- ISBN: 9789916630006
- fiction, picturebook
- Age: 5+
Rights sold: South-Korean, Chinese
The King gave the Knight a sword and a shield before he left on a long journey. While the King is away, the Knight feels it’s duty to protect the Queen – an difficult task, indeed! Today, they are going out on a dangerous errand. The great Knight dons his knight’s jacket, pulls on his knight’s pants, and crowns his head with a knight’s hat, pom-pom and all. Before he goes, the Knight grabs his sword and shield – now, he’s ready to defend his Queen. He bravely guides her through the city to the library so they can check out books about tractors, backhoes, and dinosaurs. Once they finally return home to the castle, the Knight is all tuckered out. Now, it’s the Queen’s turn to take care of him!
The King gave the Knight a sword and a shield before he left on a long journey. While the King is away, the Knight feels it’s duty to protect the Queen – an difficult task, indeed! Today, they are going out on a dangerous errand. The great Knight dons his knight’s jacket, pulls on his knight’s pants, and crowns his head with a knight’s hat, pom-pom and all. Before he goes, the Knight grabs his sword and shield – now, he’s ready to defend his Queen. He bravely guides her through the city to the library so they can check out books about tractors, backhoes, and dinosaurs. Once they finally return home to the castle, the Knight is all tuckered out. Now, it’s the Queen’s turn to take care of him!
2021 Nominee of the Annual Children's Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia
2019 The Knee-High Book Competition, 2nd place
2019 The Knee-High Book Competition, 2nd place