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Estonian children’s authors abroad



28.11 Mika Keränen at the Tampere Book Fair on the Duetto stage at 13.30 introducing his book The Mysterious Flower Snatcher.

28.11 Indrek Koff at the Tampere Book Fair on the Duetto stage at 14.30 introducing his book Nice. 


11.03 Kristi Kangilaski at the London Book Fair’s Children’s Hub in a panel discussion Picture Books from the Baltics. Read More

08.03 Indrek Koff at the Brussels Book Fair. Read more


29.02 Kairi Look at the Latvian Book Fair in Riga. Read more



1–7.12 Viive Noor on a book tour in Italy with Bianca Maria Tricarico’s book Tramburopoli


24.11 Kairi Look and Leelo Tungal in the Helsinki St Martin’s Day Fair. Read more

18–24.11 Piret Raud at the The South Ken Kids Festival, UK. Read more


26.10 Kairi Look and Leelo Tungal at the Helsinki Book Fair. Read more

16.–20.10 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany [Hall 5.0 B 87] Read more

11.–13.10 Comic artists Joonas Sildre, Veiko Tammjärv and Liisa Kruusmägi at the Lakes International Comic Art Festival in Kendal, UK

6.10 Kairi Look will introduce her book Pia Biscuit Moves In at the Turku Book Fair. Read more

5.10–7.10 Leelo Tungal will introduce her book Comrade Kid and the Grown-Ups in Finland. The author will meet readers on October 5th in Tampere, on October 6th at the Turu Book Fair and on October 7th in the Estonian Center in Helsinki.


17.09 Andrus Kivirähk will introduce his book Oscar and the Things in Moscow. Read more


10.–12.07 Curator and illustrator Viive Noor at the Rabka International Children’s Literature Festival in Poland. Read more


10.–11.06 Workshops of the illustrators Ulla Saar and Kertu Sillaste at the Pop Up festival, UK. Read more


31.05–5.06 Piret Raud at the international EU and China Literary Festival in Beijing, China. Read more

29.05–10.06 Viive Noor on a book tour in Italy to present the children’s book TamburopoliRead more

25.05 Kairi Look at the Literature Night in Paris, France. Read more

24.05 Illustrator Catherine Zarip and writer Hilli Rand presented their book Snowy White and Pitch Black at the Warsaw Book Fair

20.05–22.05 Kätlin Kaldmaa presented her book It’s Damn Good to be a Bad Girl in Latvia in the Estonian School in Riga and in the children’s section of the Ventspils’ Central Library


1–4.04 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the Bologna Book Fair, Italy [Hall 30 D4E3]


31.03 Liis Sein at the Estonian school in Rimini, Italy

25–26.03 Contra presented his book Everyone’s the Smartest at Birmingham schools (Anglesey Primary School, Somerville Primary School), in the Burton Library and in the Macdonald Burlington Hotel, UK. Read more

24.03 Contra presented his book Everyone’s the Smartest at the Estonian school Keelekindlus in London, UK. Read more

23.03 Contra presented his book Everyone’s the Smartest at the Bournville BookFest in Birmingham, UK. Read more

23.03 Kertu Sillaste at the KRUMULUS bookstore, Berlin, Germany. Read more

22.03 Kertu Sillaste at the OstPost bookstore, Berlin, Germany. Read more

22.03 Piret Raud at the Leipzig Book Fair: “Das Ohr und seine Freunde – wie hört man anderen zu”, Germany. Read more

21.03 Kertu Sillaste at the Pablo-Neruda school, Leipzig, Germany. Read more

21.03 Kertu Sillaste at the Leipzig Book Fair: “Bilderbuchkino und Workshop: Jeder macht Kunst auf seine Weise”, Germany. Read more

21–24.03 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the Leipzig Book Fair, Germany [Hall 4D 307]

16.03 Kairi Look at the Paris Book Fair to present her book The Airport Bugs Fight On, Paris, France

14.03 Kairi Look at the INALCO (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations), Paris, France

12–14.03 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the London Book Fair, UK [5D 135b]

12.03 Illustrator Ulla Saar as a speaker in the seminar “Rising Stars: Children’s Authors and Illustrators from the Baltics” at the London Book Fair, UK. Read more

4–8.03 Illustrator Catherine Zarip and writer Hilli Rand presented their book Snowy White and Pitch Black in Slovenian schools as part of the international reading project Our Little Library


14–18.01 Hilli Rand presented her book Snowy White and Pitch Black at Slovenian schools as part of the international reading project Our Little Library



21.12 Kairi Look presented her book The Airport Bugs Fight On at the Helsinki Christmas Market and the Rosebud bookshop in Helsinki, Finland

8.12 Ulla Saar at the Kid’s Christmas Island literary festival for children and youth in Vilnius, Lithuania

3.12 Illustrator Regina Lukk-Toompere at the library of the cultural centre of the Moscow Likhachev Automotive Plant (ZIL), Russia

1.12 Illustrator Regina Lukk-Toompere spoke about her work at the international book fair non/fictio№ 20, Moscow, Russia


24.11 Leelo Tungal presented her book Comrade Kid at the St Martin’s Day Fair, Helsinki, Finland

16.11 Illustrator Viive Noor at the opening of the exhibition “Running with Wolves. Werewolf” at the Pskov City Library, Russia

15–25.11 Indrek Koff at the Nordic Culture Festival Les Boréales in Caen, France

8.11 Illustrator Viive Noor at the opening of the exhibition “Power of Pictures” at the Russian State Children’s Library, Moscow


25–28.10 Anti Saar presented his book The Way Things Are With Us at the Kraków Book Fair and at the Conrad Festival in Kraków, Poland

25.10 Andrus Kivirähk at the Helsinki Book Fair, Finland

19–21.10 Leelo Tungal presented her book Comrade Kid at the Riga Book Festival, Latvia

19–21.10 Anti Saar presented his book The Way Things Are With Us at the Margó Festival of Literature and Book Fair in Budapest, Hungary

13.10 Illustrator Katrin Ehrlich at the opening of the exhibition “Power of Pictures” at the Moscow Library No. 180, Russia

10–14.10 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany

5–7.10 Mika Keränen and Kairi Look at the Turku Book Fair, Finland

5.10 Illustrator Viive Noor at the opening of the exhibition “Running with Wolves” at the Baltic Sea Culture Centre in Gdańsk, Poland


30.09 Heli Illipe-Sootak at the Estonian House in Gothenburg, Sweden

6–8.09 Piret Raud at the literary festival Festivaletteratura in Mantua, Italy


23.08 Illustrator Urmas Viik at the opening of the exhibition “Secret Lives” at the Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel

21.08 Kairi Look at the Töölö library, Helsinki, Finland


7.07 Illustrator Viive Noor with the River installation in the Oxford Castle Yard, UK


8–15.06 Reeli Reinaus and Kätlin Kaldmaa in the Hexham Book Festival residency “Writing Borders” in Northumberland, UK


29–31.05 Ene Sepp at the Hay festival in Hay-on-Wye, UK

09.05 Andrus Kivirähk presented his book Carnival and Potato Salad in Helsinki, Finland


11.04 Illustrator Ulla Saar participated as speaker in the seminar “Finding New Voices: Children’s Literature from the Baltics” at the London Book Fair

10–12.04 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the London Book Fair, UK

10–12.04 Illustrators Ulla Saar, Elina Sildre, Joonas Sildre and Kertu Sillaste participated in the Pop Up Creators Project activities in London, UK

10.04 Piret Raud at the London Book Fair as the main speaker at the seminar “Picture Books Like No Other: the Unique Vision of Piret Raud”

10.04 Illustrators Anne Pikkov and Ulla Saar participated as speakers in the seminar “Pushing the Limits of Graphic Stories: Spotlight on the Pop Up Creators Project” at the London Book Fair


26–29.03 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Italy

26.03 Illustrators Elina Sildre and Joonas Sildre at the Bologna Estonian school, Italy

23.03 Markus Saksatamm at the Moscow School 2121 and at the library of the cultural centre of the Moscow Likhachev Automotive Plant (ZIL), Russia

22.03 Markus Saksatamm at the A. Pushkin Central City Children’s Library, St Petersburg, Russia

15–16.03 The Estonian Children’s Literature Centre at the Leipzig Book Fair, Germany

15.03 Writer Indrek Koff presented his book Nice in Berlin, Germany


12–16.02 Writer Mika Keränen at the Estonian Literature Week in Finland

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